Reading your Bible for today November 29

November 29: Hebrews 11:22

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:22
22 By faith Joseph, when he died , made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

If we knew the date when Jesus was going to return to earth, would you be encouraged or discouraged? I would love to think we would all be more encouraged to go and tell people about what is going to happen and when, but I fear most people would turn their backs on God and say something like “well, I will be dead before that happens, so I will leave it to someone else to tell you about God.”

As a race, we are more inclined to sit back and wait for something to happen rather than to go out and tell people about something that is going to happen. So it is little wonder when there is a little doubt in the equation, so many people simply brush it aside or pass the buck. We do face an uphill struggle when we try to tell others about God's Word, but that does not mean we must give up trying.

Many people are given more resolve to go out and tell people when they have set-backs, but many more are given to apathy when the going gets tough – that is just the way we are. But when we start to strengthen ourselves each day, when we start to make sure we keep up with the exercise, then we find we are more able to stay with it. The only way we are going to become fit to endure the challenge before us, is by making sure we keep up with our learning of God's Word, keep up with our regular prayers to God, and to stay close to Him all the time.

Joseph knew God had promised someone would come to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt. He knew God's Word was His promise. He continued to make sure people were aware of what would happen in the future, even though He did not know the exact date or time. Be ready!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like surprise visits from friends?

If Jesus returned right now, would you be ready?


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