Reading your Bible for today November 30

November 30: Hebrews 11:32-40

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:39
39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:

We can look back through the Bible and see so many heroes, so many good people, so many bad people, and oh so many people that showed faith. But have you noticed something about each of those people that showed so much faith... None of them was perfect!

Faith is not going to make us perfect, heaven forbid we even think we may be able to attain perfection on earth! There is nothing we do than can ever make us perfect for so long as we continue to be on earth. We are born into sin, we live with sin all around us, and we continue to sin; be it in thought, in word or in deed.

Faith will bring us closer to God. Faith will allow us to live closer to God. Faith allows us to do His will. It is with faith we believe God is the one and only God, how He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, that Jesus rose again on the third day, and He hears and answers our prayers. Without this faith, we do not have hope; but with this faith we do have hope.

All we have to do is to go back through this chapter in Hebrews (Chapter 11) to be reminded of some of the wonderful things God was able to accomplish through people who had a little faith in Him. If we continue to show faith in Him, He will continue to use us in ways we cannot hope to understand. He will continue to use us to reach more and more people and allow them to begin to learn and accept Him. It is only through faith that all these things are possible.

Points to Ponder:
Do you have enough faith in anyone to walk through fire?

God will not put you through anything you cannot bear with His help!


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