Reading your Bible for today November 6

November 6: Proverbs 11:16-21

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 11:20
20 They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.

When Jesus taught His disciples how they should love one another, He was setting forward a commandment we must all try to follow. He could see the wickedness around Him and He knew of the horrible fate awaiting Him, but yet He still sowed the seeds, teaching the disciples of the things they must do.

God wants us to be able to love every human, to be able to show a love that is above sexual lust, a love that has no conditions attached. He knows what He has created and He knows that if we start to harbour thoughts of deceit and ill feelings towards others, we will slowly get consumed by those feelings and start to take them out on others in a vengeful manner.

You see people in powerful position being totally corrupted by the power that they have, being consumed by the goal of gaining more power. Terrorist leaders are a prime example. The more power they gain, the more they want and the more they are willing to do in order to gain that little bit more – giving no thought to others around them! I know when I have had bad feeling towards others, those feelings have eaten away at me from the inside and have eventually made me give in and ask forgiveness or even to make mistakes.

God wants us to care for each other and show love towards each other so others can be encouraged to come to Christ. He knows that as long as we continue to pursue the evil things in life, we are simply going down a one way street which ends in death. For as long as we continue to set our hearts against the will of God, we are setting them against God!

Points to Ponder:
Will you forgive someone today?

We don’t have to die like Jesus did just to forgive someone!


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