Reading Your Bible for today November 7

November 7: Proverbs 10:16-21

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 10:21
21 The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.

The one thing we can learn from loving one another, is that our lives and their lives will be made a whole lot better by that simple emotion. If we were able to convince our enemies we did in fact love them, we would affect them in a profound way and allow them to love us back. But simply telling someone that we love them is not enough.

You could tell someone you love them and then a few minutes later do something which brings them sorrow – simply because we were not thinking of them at the time. If we are to show someone we do love them, then we have to show them we care for them all the time, not just when it is convenient to us or to them, but all the time. When we start doing things behind peoples back, we are breaking that covenant of love towards them.

When we do do something wrong without thinking about it, we often do not think about it at all again and that wrong-doing gets into our lives without us dwelling on it. If someone were to come along and tell us we have done that, we may well get offended that they dare to judge us! But what they are doing is trying to help us see the error of our ways. If we are not going to let others show us our own errors, then we are not willing to learn from our mistakes.

If we don't listen to others, we are not going to learn. If we don't listen to what the bible tells us, we are not going to learn what God wants us to know. Without that, we have no hope.

Points to Ponder:
Do you accept criticism?

How will you learn from God if you do not listen to His criticism?


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