Reading your Bible for today December 15

December 15: John 14:27

KJV Key Verse: John 14:27
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth , give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled , neither let it be afraid .

The disciples were about to witness the awful truth that was ahead. They were about to witness Christ going to the cross for sins that He had not committed. They were about to be left by the very one who had them leave their own lives behind. They had given up their lives to follow Christ as disciples; yet when the time was nigh, He had nothing earthly to give to them. We are used to people leaving behind things for others to have...

What Christ was leaving behind was far more than anyone else could leave. He was leaving His perfect peace: (Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”) But He was leaving it to them, not the sort of peace we try to have and try to give others, but in His own way. A Way that we do not fully comprehend, yet we feel it when He gives it to us.

Just like a young child will run into their father's arms for protection, we have that place of refuge open to us in His Arms. More than a child can find peace in their parents being in the same room as them at night, we can find peace wherever we are because we know that He is always with us! Have you ever tried to find the word protect in the Bible? It is not used other than to mock the lack of protection other gods offer to people. What God gives us is far more than protection! Protection implies a limit outside of which there is no protection. What God gives us crossed all boundaries and will maintain us much more than any protection can give us!

The love of God has already crossed all boundaries for us to see. His Son has willingly laid down His life for us so we may live. He has given us life in the face of death. With this knowledge and the words which Christ spoke to the disciples, how can we ever be afraid of anything in our lives again!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you go for for protection?

Do you depend on God for protection?


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