Reading your Bible for today December 20

December 20: Proverbs 11:24-26

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 11:25
25 The liberal soul shall be made fat : and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

God wants us to be sure we do understand not only His Word, but what it tells us about the way we should live. Many people shake a finger at rich people and say they are not being Christian because they have built up such wealth... but it is not what you have but how you use it that is important! If you are selfish with what God has allowed you to gain, then you are not doing what God has already done to you! If you use your gain to help others out, then you are doing what God has already done for you.

If we want to show our love for Christ this Christmas, we do not have to go out and buy the world a present, we need to go out and show the world they have a wonderful free gift waiting for them! One which will overshadow all the presents under the tree! If we do not sow seeds this year there will not be a harvest later on in the year!

What good are any things God gives us unless we use them to the full potential that God allows us to. This does not mean we have to go out and spend all our wealth on others. It does not mean we have to give everything away. But it does mean we should not ignore those in need when we have the ability to help others! If we have the water enough to water the crops, then we should not let them die, but tend to them so they may be plentiful in their time.

God has promised us that if we continue to show others our Christian love by giving them things we are able to, then He will make sure we have enough to continue giving and helping... and then some! He has promised us when we do give to others, more will be given to us; don’t go out to give so you can get more back because that is not giving in my books! If we are able to give to others but withhold what we do have then people will very quickly turn against us, telling us we are not good Christians! But as soon as we do show others the true Christian love that abide within us, He will ensure the blessings are not withheld from us!

Points to Ponder:
What Christmas gifts have you bought for others this year?

Do they need to know about God?


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