Reading your Bible for today December 26

December 26: John 16:7-14

KJV Key Verse: John 16:8
8 And when he is come , he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Have you ever wondered how you can tell good from bad? Have you ever wondered how you are able to discern colours, animals, people, places, words and everything else in our lives? Our human brains are the most amazing things man has ever been introduced to. No matter how much we study the brain, no matter how much scientists, philosophers and psychiatrists continue to delve into the brains workings, they always fall short of what it can do.

No matter how much we try and figure out what God can do in our lives, we will also always fall short! There is no way we will ever be able to fathom out just how much God has done for us in our lives! There is no way we can hope to be able to understand other people... God has made us as creatures who are superior to all other creatures on earth. He has made us so we have dominion over all His creatures. He is the one who was able to give us the brains we have, those same brains which enable us to live, love, learn and to have free will.

But without laws and rules, our brains can be used in terrible ways. They are powerful enough to ensure we are able to discern many things, but without the right rules in our lives, they get led astray so easily. God has made sure we have The Holy Spirit with us all the time so He can guide us as we grow. So long as we continue to listen and learn, He can build us up in a fashion where He can use us to the best of our abilities.

Without The Holy Spirit, mankind found it hard to even believe there was a God. Without Him mankind found it hard to understand love. Without Him we find it impossible to live up to all the laws of the land. With Him we find out it is impossible to live up to God's Laws. With Him we find out how much He loves us and find out His way of Salvation!

Points to Ponder:
Who tells you when you do things wrong at home?

Who tells you when you do wrong against God?


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