Reading your Bible for today December 6

December 6: Proverbs 11:22

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 11:22
22 As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.

This is such a descriptive verse I thought it deserved a devotional all to itself. Have you ever had a close look of a pig’s nose? Not the most attractive things to observe, and you will not be able to dress it up by placing a gold earring in it! If anything, the gold earring loses its lustre in such a place.

As Christians, people expect various things of us. They expect us to not behave unseemly, they expect us to tell the truth, they expect us to help others, they expect us to be kind and they expect us to go to church. But of non-Christians, people do not often expect much! People are great at making stereotypes in this world! As people, what do we expect of ourselves? What do we think God expects of us? It's not a case of “what can I get away with” whilst someone is watching you all the time! It has to be a deeper understanding of who we are and who we have to try and live up to.

Our aim should be to try and be more Christ-Like in everything we do. There is no way we will ever be able to reach perfection, but at least we can aim for it. But whilst we do, we have to maintain our discretion. We cannot go off on a limb to attain one thing in life whilst ignoring something else. We cannot rush off to make money if we are going to ignore others feelings and health. We cannot rush off to save ourselves if we know others need our assistance. We cannot ignore things just to make ourselves look good!

If we are going to be doing just one thing wrong whilst making every effort to maintain everything else... it would be like dressing up for the ball but forgetting to brush the spinach from our teeth! No matter how good we look on the outside, if we are not maintaining that good on the inside, then are we not as useless as a gold ring in a pig’s nose? God is not going to be checking our clothes and hair to make sure we are looking good... He is going to be looking at us from the inside out to see if we ARE being good!

Points to Ponder:
Did you brush your hair today?

Did you talk with God today?


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