He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. Proverbs 11 :28

Our riches will fail us when we are in the greatest need: He that trusts in them, as if they would secure him the favour of God and be his protection and portion, shall fall, as a man who lays his weight on a broken reed, which will not only disappoint him, but run into his hand and pierce him.

Our righteousness will stand us in stead when our riches fail us: The righteous shall then flourish as a branch, the branch of righteousness, like a tree whose leaf shall not wither, Psalms 1:3.
Even in death, when riches fail men, the bones of the righteous shall flourish as a herb, Isaiah 66:14.
When those that take root in the world wither those that are grafted into Christ and partake of his root and fatness shall be fruitful and flourishing.


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