Beware of Greed

Beware of Greed

"Then he said to them, 'Watch out!  Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.'” (Luke 12:15)

The giants of consumerism and greed can eat us alive.  These giants can also keep us from investing in projects and endeavors that will produce eternal rewards. The influence that we have while we interact with one another is important, for each person will live eternally in either heaven or hell.  This truth takes on much greater implication when we consider that, in the Word of God, we are told all our worldly endeavors will pass away. But the reward of being used by God to influence others to put their trust in him will last into eternity.

Think for a moment about the truth of what is being said here in terms of the judicious use of our time, talent, and treasure.  Jesus counsels us to be wise stewards of all with which he has blessed us. He also instructs us to use the unrighteous “mammon” of this world, or our worldly resources, to win friends for eternity. 

God has given us all things to enjoy. But he also wants us to be generous and willing to share, to do good to others and to be rich in good works in accordance with our means.  God loves a cheerful giver!  One of the surest paths of seeing God work in your life is to become a cheerful giver.  Paul says that God is able to make all grace abound to such a person.  So instead of being a “getter,” allow God’s Spirit to begin transforming you into a giver.      

Heart Deposit: 
Take a moment to consider:  Are you more fulfilled by the accumulation of stuff or by impacting someone for Christ?  What impact in the world are you presently seeking to make that is immeasurable from a human point of view?


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