Concentrate on Eternity
His disciples remembered that it is written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.”(John 2:17)
All of our time, talent, and treasure are temporary as far as this world is concerned; however, what we do with them while we are here will have eternal ramifications. Do we even care? The word “zeal” used by John indicates enthusiasm and passion. How much passion do you have for the things of God?
Jesus Christ was consumed with doing his Father’s will while he was in this world. He knew his time here on earth was short. He ensured that all the work that had been given to him was finished by the time he returned to heaven.
So, again, what are you doing with your time, talent, and treasure? Are you wasting them on the temporal, disregarding the eternal reality we all are facing, or are you fixing your eyes on the eternal aspects of life? Are you concentrating on the things that God wants you to do? We have the option of laboring for those things that are perishing, or we can labor for those things that reap eternal benefits, both for us and for others.
So many things that I was zealous for in the past, that I thought were so important, have evaporated. They are no longer a part of my life. My thoughts now lie with: What will last forever? Am I building on the foundation of Jesus Christ, or am I striving to construct something on the foundation of self?
It is never too late to change course! There is always a new opportunity to become zealous for the things that are of importance to God.
Heart Deposit:
If someone were to look at your life, what would be the word or phrase that would fill in the blank of this statement: “Zeal for______ consumed him.” Is the word or phrase in the blank temporal or eternal? How can you increase your zeal for the things of God?
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