Reading your Bible for today January 17

January 17 : Psalm 115:16-18

Key Verse : Psalm 115:17
The dead do not praise the Lord, Nor any who go down into silence.

Devotion :
Christ is in Heaven with God right now as are all of the saints who have gone before us; they are safe in His protection. God created this world for us to live in and has given us control over this world in as much as we have freedom of choice as to what we do here. He gave us charge over the world saying we should look after it and to be able to enjoy the fruits of the world. We are the ones who make or break the world as it stands.

Those who choose to believe in Christ and follow His teaching and His will in their lives will continue to praise Him for all He has done and will do in the future. Those who do not believe in Christ make a choice to not praise God for anything but would rather lift up themselves and others in His stead. If it were not for Christ we would not be here and we would not have this freedom of choice to begin with. Those who have already died made their choices whilst they lived on earth and now they have to endure the consequences of those choices for all eternity.

Praising God does come naturally when you know just how much He has done and continues to do for us. We do this because we understand what He has done, what He sacrificed and what He continues to uphold in this mixed up world. I do find it strange that some would choose to ignore the truth and continue in their own worlds and in their own beliefs; but then those who do not know Christ probably think it strange that I have such a relationship with someone who they cannot see or understand.

We need to continue worshipping and upholding Christ’s name to encourage more people to see the truth for what it is. It is only through others seeing the difference between God’s ways and the world’s ways that they will get to make an informed choice in their lives. When each one of us die we will get to see Christ face to face and have to answer for the choice we have made. Praise God for giving each one of us the chance to hear and understand the truth!

Points to Ponder :
Who first told you about God?

Who are you telling about God?


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