Reading your Bible for today February 1 2

ebruary 12: 2 Timothy 2:22-26

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:22
Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

One of the hardest things in life I think has got to be our lives during our teen-age years! I can look back with fondness on many things, but I can look back with dismay on the many many more things which I did wrong in those years in my life! It is the time of our lives when we are more open to temptations, most vulnerable to suggestion and most willing to take chances with. Yes, I could harp on about the hormonal changes which make us do strange things, but that is not what I am looking at here. If there is any good that has come out of the things I have done wrong, it is the fact I am able to stand up and warn others of the things which are ahead so they can avoid them.

When we drive down the roads we will see sign posts warning us of sharp bends or other obstacles. If we choose to ignore them, we are choosing to do so at our own peril. If we choose to take notice of them, we are beginning to be wise. If we go one step further and make ourselves ready for the obstacles the signs warn us of before we get to them, we are then doing what the signs were intended for. It is just too easy, though, to take a quick look and push ourselves as far as we dare round that bend... One day we may well meet something coming the other way which will make us stop and think!

If we are all to live the best possible lives, then we have got to take notice of all the warning signs we see. By doing so, we can live better lives. So why not take the extra step next time you see a sign; be prepared for the hidden things which could be round the corner. Be prepared to help out someone else who you can see has taken the wrong action or ignored the warning signs. If we show them we are ready to help them out when they got it all wrong, they may well be encouraged to find out why we did what we did.

During Christ's ministry on earth, He continually purposed in His heart that people would see how He was willing for forgive no matter what the circumstance. That is one of the things which made people stop and think!

Points to Ponder:
What is the favourite thing you do that you know is “not quite right”?

Are you willing to set an example?



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