Reading your Bible for today February 10

February 10: Acts 19:11-16

Key Verse: Acts 19:15
And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”

How many people have tried to do something against you by saying that they have the support of someone else when they don't really have that support? And no telling me about any politicians! We are facing many enemies on this small planet, but none quite so dangerous as Satan himself. We may be able to fool many people into believing we have something we do not have, but Satan can see right through us. Unless we show Him that we trust in Christ to protect us, he is going to walk all over us.

Paul showed everyone he did everything in Christ's name. He showed people he did everything for Christ's glory. He told people he could do nothing without Christ. Some of the Jews who had seen what he was doing, decided they could probably make a name for themselves, and maybe even a bit of money. They had set themselves up as exorcists. They must have had a bit of a following because when they failed here and Christ prevailed, many people turned to The Lord.

There are people who will try to do things, pretending they are doing it in Christ's name, when they in truth are just mentioning His name because they know you will take some note if they do. There are people who will have massive followings because they say and do many things. But you will be able to identify them by the things they do which are not mentioned in the Bible.

Christians and believers should be trusted servants of God, doing nothing in their own names, but everything through Christ. They should not seek fame or fortune. They should not boast. They should not presume. They should not bully. They should show through example. We may be able to be fooled by people who can hide their true intentions most of the time, but Satan will never be fooled by anyone pretending to know Christ. He certainly will not support nor provide for those people. Christ, on the other hand, will support and provide for anyone who calls on His name in truth.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you trust the most in your life?

Who is your rock?



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