Reading your Bible for today February 11

Hi February 11: 2 Timothy 2:19-21

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:20
20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some * to honour, and some to dishonour.

How many times have you wondered “why am I here”, or “what possible use am I” or some other similar thought. Normally when we get into that sort of mood, things start to go wrong. We stop thinking rationally and start to blame ourselves for all sorts of things. We soon find we have dug a rather big hole for ourselves without actually trying to find anything positive.

Give thought to a few things around the house which are absolute zero on the street-cred scale. Take the U-bend behind the sink, or worse still, the one behind the loo. It's a pipe in a funny shape that makes all the other pipes look wrong because of its shape. If it was straight, it would look better. If it was hidden, it may be even better, but without them we would have the stinkiest bathrooms in the universe!

Have you ever been to a restaurant and been given “the wonkey table”? What I do is to find something that is of little or no use (some old piece of paper or card), fold it up a few times and jam it under the one short leg. Works a treat! God hasn't just let us go wild here on earth. He has given each one of us a purpose in our lives. One that we may not yet know, or one which we may not want to know! Some of us may be given wonderful positions where others will look up to us, and others will be given positions where nobody will look up to them but they may well be the positions that are most relevant! We don't have to be the gold or silver piece to be of any use. Personally I would not waste a lump of gold to jar a door open, but I may well use a stone or useless book!

Every single one of us can be used of God. All we have to do is to allow Him to use us in the way He knows is best for us. For as long as we continue to invite and allow sin into our lives, God is restrained from using us in any honourable way. I have a couple of ashtrays that I now use for placing my tea-bags onto after making a cuppa – to me a much more honourable use than what the commercial world would have me do with them!

Points to Ponder:
Did you learn to read and write in school?

Will you use those abilities to learn more about God?



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