Reading your Bible for today February 13

February 13: Ecclesiastes 3:1-10

Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:1

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under 




One of the things I do not understand is the compulsion of people to read all about their “stars” or “horoscopes” each day to see what is in store for them! God continues to encourage us to depend on Him for everything and not to depend on the world or worldly things. Having someone tell you what you are like based on the position of the stars and planets just seems to be wrong for me; it kinda screams of “trust in things that God has made and not God Himself”.

When we studied faith in our Bible studies at church, one of the things which made great men and women of the Bible stand out is the fact that they had faith. Not just “faith”, but faith which they totally trusted in. A faith in their God which went beyond the faith you have in a friend or in anything earthly. They depended on God to deliver on His promises He has made to them.

Our planet and solar system is changing all the time. There are many “constants” within it (like the time the earth takes to move around the sun – even though that is actually changing very slowly) that we take for granted. We measure other things by these times. But everything we see, hear and do changes over time. I know I am a very different person now to what I was when I was young. Some would call it experience. Some from the youth groups may call it old age! Some may be kinder and call it maturity. We are not given to a repetitive life like our “stars” would have us believe. We are not given to a life that is guided by the “stars”. We are given a free choice whereby we can choose what we would do.

There will be a time to do everything in our lives that God will allow us to do, but what “profit” or gain do we get from working towards a life which is predestined by the stars? God has given each one of us a task to do – to show love and compassion to everyone as well as to return that love which He has already shown to us. He created everything for us so we would recognise Him as the creator; the one to trust and follow.

Points to Ponder:

Besides God, who do you trust most in this world?

Can you count on that trust for eternity?


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