Reading your Bible for today February 14

February 14: Jude 1:20-23

KJV Key Verse: Jude 1:21
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Yes I know Jude has only one chapter – but computers are a bit particular about numbers so you get the chapter number as well. That aside, we should be very particular about the things we do and the things we believe in. The Lord has directed us to know there is only One God, and that is Him. The Lord, furthermore, does not want us to sit around and do nothing about it, but to take that knowledge and to share it around!

If we are to show others the way of Salvation, then we have to show them some sort of knowledge that will convince them about the truth. Sometimes you can just tell someone about something and they will believe you – other times you have to beat it into their heads, and yet other times you have to give them such a fright about the consequences they are forced to open their eyes to the truth.

These verses in Jude remind us about reminding others about God’s Word in whatever way it takes to reach them. If they do not believe what we tell them, then it is time to try a different tactic. Maybe we have to give them a physical example before they will believe. Or maybe we have to give them a fright before they believe. Rest assured, whatever is required, the Lord will be able to guide you in the exact method that is required – if you ask Him and listen to Him!

It may be easy to try and tell people about what you believe but without The Lord's backing, you are going to be telling them things that they will simply want to brush off. If you want someone to believe, then you have to approach them with the wisdom that can only come from God and to take that wisdom and use it in the manner that He wants you to use it. We do not know enough about other people, about the way they think, about what is going on in their heads, to be able to know what is best for them at that very moment. But The Lord does know that and with His backing, we can do things the right way!

Points to Ponder:
How many people do you tell about Jesus?

How many times do you ask Him for help first?


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