Reading your Bible for today February 15

February 15: Titus 2:1-10

KJV Key Verse: Titus 2:10

10 Not purloining , but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.

If you have ever wondered at what we should be doing as Christians, then Paul's letter to Titus should serve as a reminder. Whilst Titus himself was a man who was teaching and ordaining others, he still had to bear in mind that he was, above all, a Christian who should be acting like one. As Christians we are sometimes looked at as desert islands, surrounded by seas of despair and discouragement. Others may see us as a place never to be stuck or they may see us as a place of safety in a tempestuous sea. What we do to those immediately around us is how others will see us!

If we are going to be brash and show others we live in the same world as them and follow their 'rules of life', then we are showing them we are only as good as them. If we want to be counted as Christians, then we must make sure they know we have standards which we live up to, standards set by God and not by man. I am not saying we should all rebel against the law, far from it! What we should be doing is showing others around us the same love that God shows us.

We know God's love, yet we may find it hard to explain. I have learned the best way of explaining things to others that we find hard to put into words is to show them by example. If we are to do things instead of talking about them, then the words within this passage today should be read and meditated upon. Think about what Paul is trying to say to Titus. Think about the effect each of these actions can have on the people we know.

The one thing which stands out above all of these words is Love. Yes I know it was valentine’s day yesterday and no, I did not forget; but what I do not like is the fact that this 'love' is being shown on a single day out of a full year. As Christians we know God has loved us from the beginning of time and continues to do so. Our love to those around us should be equally as long. But above all, that love must be based on doctrine. Which means we should follow Christ's example and make sure our love is honest and pure, not demeaning nor vile, and showing others God's love is above even ours!

Points to Ponder:
Did you remember Valentines Day?

Does your love go beyond a simple day?



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