Reading your Bible for today February 19

February 19: Hebrews 2:1-4

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 2:3
3 How shall we escape , if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;

We only have to look back at history to study out where the truth lies. We only have to look back in history to find the villains. We only have to look back in history to find the heroes. But how many times do we look back in history to try to find out who was telling the truth at the time?

We often find books and papers written by people who lived in troubled times, under dictatorships, or under tyrants. These books and papers are used as reminders about how people were ignored just because they were not doing what was expected of them at the time. People do not like those who speak up about the truth when they themselves are trying to cover it up under a string of lies.

And then there are times when the truth remains covered up by governments and organisations just to keep themselves in power. But when people do find out the truth, they instinctively know it. They uphold it from then on, and they try to follow the examples laid down by that truth. The Bible was written by many people many years ago. Each one of them being inspired by God to write down the truths they did. Each one of them written down as a reminder for us to be able to compare the past with that which was written down, and to know about the truth, and to know about what is going to happen in the future.

How can we believe the Bible – simply by looking back at the truths which have been told in the past and comparing it to the truth we know happened in the past. If we can believe what others write in other books – then why can't we believe what has been inspired by God Himself!

Points to Ponder:
How many text books did you believe in school?

How many revisions have some of those books gone through?


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