Reading your Bible for today February 20

February 20: Matthew 18:21-22

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 18:22
22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Have you got someone in your life that just keeps on doing something wrong against you. Maybe you have told them that they are, but they continue to do so, being oblivious to the fact that it is hurting or discouraging you. As a friend, you would not expect them to do something like that. As an enemy, anything could be possible. Whichever way, you are the one who starts to hold a grudge against them for what they are doing. Yes, I'm pretty sure we can all say we have been there!

I wonder if Peter had someone in his life who was like that when He asked Jesus this question about forgiveness. How often are we to forgive people for what they do against us? If someone is going to do the same thing wrong to you almost 500 times, then I don't think you want to be around them! But what Christ was trying to get across to Peter was the fact that it should not be us sitting there counting the number of times people are doing things against us. For as long as we do sit and count, we are building up ill feelings inside of us.

If we are going to simply cast things aside, we will be able to move on more quickly. Don't get me wrong, we should not just be a walk-over! Christ wants us to stand up for what is right! But bearing a chip on you shoulder for a long time is not good for your health! (Never mind the big greasy stain you will be left with!)

Try and think who is the one person in your life that seems to be able to upset you the most by doing things wrong... Think how many times they have done wrong against you... Now think how many times you have told a lie – even a little white one. Think how many times you have “borrowed” something and not returned it. Think how many times you have turned your back on others. Think how many times you have thought badly about your parents or family. How many times have you “skipped” church? Try and add them all up... because each one of those things was done against God. He has already forgiven us! It should be so easy for us to Forgive others.

Points to Ponder:
Do you count your blessings?

Or are you stuck counting your faults?


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