Reading your Bible for today February 22

February 22: Galatians 6:1-5

KJV Key Verse: Galatians 6:2
2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

One of the greatest things about being human is that you have so many more humans around you who can do so much for you! It's not only the fact they are there for company, but they are there to help you out when you need help. I have no other earthly desire that comes close to that of being able to help other people out at some time or another.

God knew exactly what He was doing when he created us. He knows exactly where we are going. He knows exactly what we are aiming for; and that has got to hurt Him, knowing so many of us have turned our backs on Him just because we think we have done things better! Have you ever noticed the more you go it alone, the more other people do not want to help you? The more you go it alone, the more people do not want to be associated with you...

God made us to be together; He made us to be with each other; He made us to love one another. He did all that because of His love for us. The fact that He loved us in the beginning shows right through to the things we have in our lives. For example we are able to choose, we are able to say no and we are able to say yes!

He based His creation on love. That was no accident! He did so to demonstrate what love can do. When we start to realise what love and compassion can do, then we start to want to be able to use the love and compassion He’s given us to its best advantage. When we turn our backs on other people, we find they do not want to help us. When we find we are alone, we know we do not have others to help us when we need or look for it.

Points to Ponder:
What was the last thing you did out of love for someone?

When did you last look at Gods love?


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