Reading your Bible for today February 23

February 23: Deuteronomy 32:36-38

KJV Key Verse: Deuteronomy 32:38
38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.

Have you seen any of the documentary films about cars crashing and the crash-test dummies they have in those tests? I was pretty horrified at the amount a human body goes through in a crash, even at 40 mph! It is horrific to see the amount a human neck bends when the car hits a brick wall at that speed. It is at those sort of times when you begin to see the frailty of the human body and realise why we can die so easily if we are not careful. It is after seeing such a documentary you start to welcome inventions like seat belts and air bags!

It is not too big a step to start to work out what happens to us spiritually when we are not strong either. All you have to do is to look at the horrors which await us when we are in our unprotected state. We are open to so many things in our lives. Just like Adam and Eve were open to the suggestions of Satan, we are open to suggestions from the evil one too.

One thing we cannot do is to go out to a shop and buy some air bags which are going to protect us from a head-on collision with Satan. We cannot buy anything off the shelf which will physically protect us. What we have to rely on is something so much more safe, something so much more powerful, someone that has so much love for us He does not want to see us attacked in the first place!

We cannot ever hope to be anything like an angel. We cannot hope to be anything like Satan. But what we can do is to rely on someone who is all powerful and will protect us more everything. The only thing that we can buy on our shelves that will help us towards that goal is a Bible.

Points to Ponder:
Are you strong or mad enough to run into a wall as fast as you can?

Do you actively seek God’s protection?


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