Reading your Bible for today February 24

February 24: Proverbs 1:28-33

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 1:31
31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

When you first look at the bible and see a book called Proverbs, you may think this must be the source of many of the so called proverbs we have in society nowadays. We are surrounded by people who insist on quoting proverbs to us to 'guide' us in our lives. Proverbs or saying such as “Look before you leap,” “Don't count your chickens before they hatch,” “Many hand make light work,” “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place” or “Live and let live.”

There are so many proverbs that people turn to because they have heard them before, because someone has written them down or because they just sound good. People will actually follow things that are written down just because they have been written down. Some people come up with some pretty strange sayings and theories though, and when they write them down in a book and start selling the book, many more people catch on to them and start to believe they are true because they are in a best seller!

If you look through the book of Proverbs in the Bible, you start to see where some people have made up sayings from, by changing the words so they fit into their own way of thinking. It's like taking an instruction manual, and changing the wording of the instructions because you don't like the way it says you have to do things. Have you ever tried to put a square pin into a round hole just because you liked the look of the square pin over the look of the round one? You know what I am thinking of, we have all “changed the rules” just because we don't like what we read!

But when we start to believe the new rules we have created, because they fit in more with our lifestyles, then we have fallen into the trap of believing that we know best; that we know more than God about what is best for us!

Points to Ponder:
Which rules don’t you like following?

Have you ever wondered why God would want you to follow that particular rule?


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