Reading your Bible for today February 25

February 25: Deuteronomy 18:9-12

KJV Key Verse: Deuteronomy 18:12
12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

When we go to a fair or a circus we quite often get to see some sort of daring stunts, and sometimes you get to hear or even see amazing things such as people walking on fire or other feats which seem to defy the odds. We even see programs on TV about people who are willing to contact the dead on your behalf. Even people who are willing to bring back people from the dead for the right price. Each one of these being an act that seems impossible to believe.

We do live in a world where spirits exist; but just how much to believe some of these things or not I would not like to guess. Each one of us has our own spirit. God allows the Holy Spirit to dwell within us to help to guide us and to keep us safe. But, just as there are good and evil people, there are good and evil spirits. Satan will do what he can to try to convince you he is good. He may even do something which you think is a miracle, just to try to convince you he is doing things for your good – but you have to be aware he always has a motive and that is to prevent you from getting to know God. That is the only way that he is going to be able to gain followers – by hiding the truth from them.

When you do see something which you believe to be amazing, you have to look at the motive behind that act. You have to look at it from an angle that will show whether it lives us to the truth which comes from God, God's Word.

We do have His Word. We are able to look things up. We are able to get advice and guidance. We are able to discern those that do have ulterior motives. God warns us that they are an abomination! This may sound harsh but there is a line we have to draw and we have to keep that line; identifying which side of the line some things are can be difficult which is why we do have our bibles, to help us understand where things are in relation to God’s will in our lives.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever had your fortune told?

If you are willing to believe the unbelievable, why not try the truth?


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