Reading your Bible for today February 26

February 26: Daniel 2:1-10

KJV Key Verse: Daniel 2:10
10 The Chaldeans answered before the king, and said , There is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter: therefore there is no king, lord, nor ruler, that asked such things at any magician, or astrologer, or Chaldean.

I love to read stories like this in the Bible. About the times when the astrologers and fortune tellers would be 'found out' for what they are. There is no greater power than that of God. There is nothing that can stop the power of God – but you do have the choice of whether you want to listen to God's truth. We are surrounded by people who insist everyone’s lives are governed by the stars and the position of the planets; that our whole life is planned out from the instant when we are born and is all according to the position of the stars we see at night.

Our newspapers have columns in each day which tell us what we are going to get up to for the next day, week or month. But when you start to read up what they say, you start to see them for what they are. Each one of us could take almost any one of the astrological predictions we find in the paper and apply it to our lives in some way – we could 'see the truth' in the lie, just because we want to see it!

In the book of Daniel, we see how the King turned round to his astrologers and sorcerers and told them to give an explanation of his dream – even though he could not remember what the dream was about! There are few powers on this planet that can actually pull that one off! If we want to be able to find the truth about our lives, then we have to ask our maker, not a person who thinks they can do the job!

If you have a car, the best people who are trained to fix your car are the people who have made the car, the people who have been trained to fix the car – not a local DIY guy round the corner who is willing to have a go!

Points to Ponder:
Do you go to a dentist to see about your bad back?

How often do you ask God for advice?


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