Reading your Bible for today February 27

February 27: Romans 8:18-25

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:24
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth , why doth he yet hope for ?

When is it your birthday? Are you expecting something special? Are you hoping for that great pressie that you have always wanted? Hope is a great thing. Hope gives you a reason to continue. Hope gives you something to look forward to. Hope helps to keep your spirits up when you are down.

As it reminds us in these few verses, the trials and hardships that we go through whilst we are on this planet are going to be nothing compared to what will be waiting for us after our mortal bodies die. We have hope that there is something special in store for us. We have the Bible to tell us about that hope and encourage us. We have the hope of a secure future ahead of us.

Faith is based on hope. Faith is based on believing something that we cannot see. What happens when your birthday comes round and you see the pressies? You dive into them and see if that special gift is in them. If you find it, then you know that you have it. There is no more reason to hope, because you know 100% what the answer is... you have your gift!

But what happens when you find out that you don't have it yet? Has your hope gone? No. You now know that you have to wait another year or until Christmas! But you still have that hope. When we die, we are destined for one of two places. The one is a place of great happiness and everlasting love and all things good. That is where my faith is going to take me!

Points to Ponder:
What present are you hoping for next?

What choice are you thinking of now?


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