Reading your Bible for today February 28

February 28: Psalm 37:1-6

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 37:5
5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass .

How many times a day are you upset by what other people get up to? How many of those times are when people are doing evil things or working against people? I know I am upset by people who are not just and upset others; I think that upsets me more, the fact they are upsetting others rather than upsetting me. I know God is watching and I know God is probably a lot more upset about what is going on than I am.

The psalmist writes here about how we all have a finite lifespan on this earth and how people who do work injustice are not always going to be here to work their injustice. God has better plans and His plans are forever rather than just a lifespan on earth. We need to look at the future and a life with Him rather than just a short while here as we live our mortal lives.

I know it is hard to imagine anything longer than a lifetime for us because this is all we really know. It is even harder to imagine a full lifetime when we are young children because as young children we have no real idea of time. I can remember being called old by a very young child when I got to my twenties! And yet when I look at pictures of me in my twenties I wonder how young I looked. God is not limited by time because He is in control of it. He made this environment for us to live in because this is what we can cope with.

Our lot is to trust God and His ways all of our lives. We need to put aside the shortcomings and the ways of evil people and aim for the high calling of eternal life with Christ. Every day continues to follow on from the next because God has created things this way. We need to aim for a life with Him and make it our goal just as the days follow on from each other. Make it a matter of fact!

Points to Ponder:
How short are your feelings?

How long is eternal life with Christ?


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