Reading your Bible for today February 29

February 29: Psalm 147:1-9

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 147:5
5 Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. 

Has it been in your mind over the last few days about how special you are? About what a great creation you yourself are? About how awesome a being it must have taken to make the first human, whole, ready, able to reproduce, able to live, able to love! You don't have to look too far around you to see the wonders of the world. You don't have to look too far to see the amazing secrets held in some parts of this world. Today we have amazing nature programs on TV to show us the wonders of the natural world.

God made the world as a living place. A place where life and death both continue to happen as they have for many years. He created a place which is alive. A place that has history. Without any of that, we would not have a world that would be so perfect. Without the foresight of being able to see that we needed a world that has everything in its place, without the foresight of being able to see we needed a place which looked perfect for us and looked like it would last forever, without all this, we would have been able to pick holes in everything and cast doubt over everything.

Instead, God had the wisdom to be able to create a place which just looked “like it belonged”! A place where we would fit in perfectly; even if we messed things up as we went along!

No matter how long we try to teach computers about how to think, I believe we will always be able to spot the difference between a computer talking to us and a human talking to us. This is because our brains are able to process so much more information than computers in such a unique way. God was able to “program” us in the beginning and in such a way where we would be able to pass on this ability to the next generation as they are born to us! Is that awesome or what!

Points to Ponder:
What balances life and death?

Do you trust God who has done all this already?


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