Reading your Bible for today February 6

February 6: Proverbs 11:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 11:2
2 When pride cometh , then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.

God has tried to convince mankind that honesty is the best way forward and yet mankind continues to make his own plans and take his own course of action instead of following God’s instructions. A friend should always try to convince you of the correct and righteous actions to take in your life; if you are planning to misguide others or be dishonest to them you are not being the friend you should be.

You may now be thinking along the lines of “I have done so much wrong in my life; God cannot possibly use me or even want me!” Yes, it is true God wants us to be the perfect creatures He created, but He knows we are not. He is not turning His back on us and rejecting us. He is doing all sorts of things to try and convince us to turn back to Him and to make a life with Him at the centre. It is Christ who has made it possible for God to see us as perfect because He gave His life in our stead.

Our folly is we tend to get a bit big headed when things go right or when people look up to us. We tend to take things much too far and promote ourselves or the works we do rather than promoting God. We lose focus on God and keep our eyes on what we can do instead. That is where we fall short, that I where we find shame instead of fortune or friendship. But when we are willing to follow God’s will in our lives, He is willing to lead us to better things.

Keeping it together with righteous people and following God’s instruction is hard in this perverse world we live in. So many things go wrong and we tend to blame God for them or to blame God for allowing them to happen. This is not God’s work but the corruption of mankind and his own desire which is pulling things down around us. God is still there as a small voice trying to convince us to turn away from the desire and corruption and back to Him and righteousness. We have the choice!

Points to Ponder:
What things do you like in your life?

Is Christ involved with those things?



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