Reading your Bible for today February 7

February 7: Proverbs 12:15-16

Key Verse: Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.

How many times have you said “he thinks he's so clever...” or laughed at someone for doing something totally wrong whilst they are sure they are getting it all right? Or worse still, how many times have you been on the receiving end of that line? We have this inbuilt assumption we are good at what we do. We think that everything that comes our way can in some way be overcome. We even think simple things like it is easy to throw a piece of paper across our room and get it in the bin!

But the worst case is that we think we always come up with the right answers because we are the best placed person to come up with the ideas! No matter how much people warn us about the things that are going to go wrong, we will continue to do what we are doing because we “can see better than them”! It is only after we are smarting from the fall we think back and realise it would have been better to listen to advice from those who know!

If we start to get angry because we “know we know better than others” then everyone around us will be able to see just how stupid we are being. Our wrath allows others to see right through the stupid things we are doing. It even shines a spotlight on us as if we are doing a grand performance! But we cannot see this because we are the ones doing the performance. How wise it would have been to take the advice in the beginning and to have avoided the whole scenario.

The only one who is of sound mind in our lives is God. It is not only our duty to listen to Him, but it is for our own good we should. If He is warning us there is something wrong in our lives, then we must stop and listen... He is doing it for a reason! It is far better to admit to a problem and have a little shame than to try and hide the problem until your whole world collapses around us! God has given us all a discerning mind so we can listen and learn. He has not given us a discerning mind so we can find our own best way – He knows we will be tempted – that is why He waits patiently for us to ask for help.

Points to Ponder:
How clever do you think you are?

Are you getting fed constantly?



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