Reading your Bible for today February 9

February 9: James 5:1-8

Key Verse: James 5:8
You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

I can remember my brother getting a poster when we were young. The poster was a picture of two vultures sitting on a branch and the one vulture was saying to the other that he was no longer going to be patience, but wanted to go out and kill something! (but the words were not that polite!)

As we see the world unfold in front of us, I am often taken to thought about the amazing sequence of events which leads to each miracle in our lives. One of the most amazing things that I find is space... We can look up into the night sky and see literally thousands of stars shining. We now know that some of them are so far away that we don't know if they still exist! But God has placed each one of them in the heavens, He has placed the light shining from them in the heavens – if He had not done that, then we would not know about those stars.

And then when we walk out of our front door, we rush off to find the first things which will make us money. Not waiting to see if it is the right thing to do, or to ask God if it is what He wants us to do – we just rush out and do it because it seemed like a good idea at the time! Far too often in my life, I sought after earthly things without giving true and timely thought to what God wants me to do in my life. When I look back on my life, I can see when those times were just by seeing how much trouble I go into!

We read about asteroid which are reported to come very close to earth and the newspapers jump on the band wagon reporting just how close they will come, or at least the report the closest calculation or guess! When the asteroids do fly past they are so far away we can’t even see them! There is still one which is reported to come close to us in about 2029, so close it will be closer than some of our satellites. My mind immediately then rushes round thinking about the end times and films that have been made about comets hitting earth! Jesus has already told us that He will return. He did not tell us when He will return, because only God The Father is the one that knows that time. Will you be ready? Will you be patient?

Points to Ponder:
Did you wait patiently for your pancakes today?

How patient are you doings God’s will instead of your own?



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