Today's journal Feb 11

If you have not mastered the basic seasons, how can you master the advanced and special seasons

If you do not understand the basic seasons, how can you understand the advanced and special times

Pro 10:5 ISV Whoever harvests during summer acts wisely, but the son who sleeps during harvest is disgraceful.

1Ch 12:32 ISV The tribe of Issachar supplied 200 leaders, along with all of their relatives under their command. They kept up-to-date in their understanding of the times and knew what Israel should do.Here are the types of seasons or times from basic to advanced:Basic seasonsYou need the understanding of the day time for work and night time for sleep as well as six days of work and one day of rest in a week.
Basic seasons include daily and weekly activities.Intermediate seasonsYou also need to understand that during summer there are longer days than night so that presents an opportunity for more work. At this level, you understand yearly cycles.Advanced seasonsThere are special seasons not necessarily aligned with the basic divisions of time (hour, day, week, month, year) as in the above. And this calls for wisdom, discernment and understanding. Examples are:Political times just like in 1Ch 12:32
Economic cyclesUnderstanding when to buy and when to sell is very important.Advancement of technologies and the proper time for a product to be introduced
There are so many inventions that were ahead of their times and the inventors did not benefit much.MarketLearning cyclesLearning is a life time thing.
And sometimes it is time to drop obsolete knowledge and learn a new one to be very competitive.Sowing and reaping cycles
And by faith, we can also manipulate somehow the time.So let us graduate from mastering the basic and intermediate seasons and move on to the advanced and special seasons. 


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