Today's journal Feb 19

Write the vision and insight – journalize the details and write a summary title.

Write the summary title of the vision or insight.


Hab 2:2 NET The Lord responded: “Write down this message! Record it legibly on tablets, so the one who announces it may read it easily.

BBE And the Lord gave me an answer, and said, Put the vision in writing and make it clear on stones, so that the reader may go quickly

.KJV And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
There are two possible interpretations of the run-read portion:A person can read it easily

Thus we have large clear letters.
Though the related interpretation of reading it easily while running is far too stretched.A person who read it can runRun as an errand to tell others or execute something.I believe the combination of the two is better. We need both the details and the summaryJournalize the vision or insight by writing the details clearly.

This will help us remember the exact details after some time.In the old times, a scroll of papyrus is normally used, otherwise many stone or clay tablets will be used. Large letters cannot be employed because there are many words.However, we cannot read the entire script easily at a glance so we need the second tool.Write a clear summary title, phrase or short sentence about the vision or insight.We can easily read this.In the old times, a stone or clay tablet can be employed as the text will fit. Even large letters can be used as there are only few words.Remember the writing on the wall in Daniel's time – short but powerful (Daniel 5).Isaiah was also commanded by the Lord to write four words on a large scroll: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz which means quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil (Isa 8:1).

We can even easily post it on the wall, refrigerator, desktop of our computer, etc.This is a very good memory aid.Remember also that proverbs are short. 


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