Today's journal Feb 5

God wants to talk to you (Part 4)

takes time like that of a feast.

Prov 9:1-6 WEB Wisdom has built her house. She has carved out her seven pillars. She has prepared her meat. She has mixed her wine. She has also set her table. She has sent out her maidens. She cries from the highest places of the city: "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!" As for him who is void of understanding, she says to him, "Come, eat some of my bread, Drink some of the wine which I have mixed! Leave your simple ways, and live. Walk in the way of understanding."

In Bible times, a feast means a holiday when people do not work and enjoy the feast. It is at least one day, and sometimes even up to seven days (in some instances, even up to two weeks). Of course, they do not just eat the entire daytime, they socialize to allow their digestive system to digest and absorb the food they had eaten. It is very much totally different compared to the fast food of our times. With fast food, some are through in 15 to 30 minutes. There is no more time to allow the food to be digested well. Also, the food is fast prepared and usually is devoid of good nutrients.

In studying the Bible or preparing for your assignment, the fast food is equivalent to spending around 5 to 10 minutes and there is no more time to digest the things you had studied, no more time for meditation or pondering. The result is indigestion, allergies, or bad health. You cannot get understanding and wisdom this way.

In the Bible passage, Wisdom has prepared a feast and invites us in. We will have to stop whatever we are currently doing and relax and enjoy (concentrate on) the feast. Getting understanding and wisdom takes time like that of a feast. You need time to meditate, ponder, digest what you had studied so that you will enjoy the health benefits. The feast is for free. It only cost us our effort and time but many people are not willing to stop whatever they are doing and they are already satisfied with fast food.



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