Protect Yourself: Put on the Armor of God

by Chrys Howard and Korie Robertson, from The Duck Commander Devotions for Kids


But the Lord is faithful. He will give you strength and protect you from the Evil One.— 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Korie loves to snow ski. She has skied every year since she was five years old. On her first ski trip, she went with her grandpa and grandma, and no one warned them about the sun in the high mountains. The sun was very bright, and Korie didn’t wear any sunscreen. Her cheeks got so burned they were one big blister! Grandpa and Grandma and Korie all learned the value of protection.

There are other ways we protect ourselves. Can you think of some of them? We wear seatbelts in our cars and helmets when we ride bikes. We wear life jackets when we swim in the lake and sunscreen when we go to the beach. Yes, all of these are ways to protect us from something bad happening to us, like Korie’s sunburn.

But our real protection, our greatest protection, comes from God, our heavenly Father.

The verse for today tells us that God is faithful in His protection against the Evil One. Satan is the Evil One, and you don’t have to apply any lotion or cream to protect yourself against him; you just have to put on God.

Commander in Action

We all know ways to be safe. Being safe against Satan means to put on God. Read Ephesians 6:10–17, and write down the armor God provides for your protection. It will be more powerful than a huge bottle of sunscreen!

Dear God, thank You for Your armor of protection! Help me when I face trials and temptations by guarding me against the evil one. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How often do you meditate on and discuss the armor of God with your family? Today is a great day to have a talk about the importance of protecting ourselves against the enemy.


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