Reading your Bible for today 10

March 10: Psalm 119:41-48

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 119:43
43 And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments.

Have you noticed how the more you try to do something you think or know is impossible, the more things go wrong. No matter how hard you try to get some single thing right, the more goes wrong around it. Far too often we just need to ask a single question of someone else in order to find out how to get around the current issue! The one great thing we can totally depend on is Christ in our lives. No matter how much we think we cannot do something, through God anything and everything is possible. All it takes is trust. One huge step for us. To trust in the unseen.

So many times we think we are alone in the world with our problems, but as soon as we share them with a few people, our problems seem to be a bit lighter. But when we share them with The Lord, they seem to get lighter still. God wants us to be 100% honest with Him – not just because He can see right through us! But because being honest with someone is showing them that they mean something to you.

This Psalm may be the longest chapter in the Bible, but each section of it covers parts in our lives we need to be concerned with; all pointing back to Christ as our Lord and Saviour. He is the one whom we should be depending on. People in our lives do come and go, some seemingly at the most inappropriate times; but God is ever by our sides. As long as we keep on seeking Him, He will never be far from us. As long as we keep obeying Him, we continue to walk in the freedom that we are allowed.

Just like Adam and Eve were given all freedom in the beginning, we are. Just like them, we have rules to follow. Just like them, we are tempted by Satan who is trying to put a wedge between us and God. Just like them, when we fail at something it is all too easy to try and cover it with a lie. God can see through us and He simply wants us to be honest with Him!

Points to Ponder:
How many problems do you have that you think you cannot cope with?

How many of those problems have you shared with God?


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