Reading your Bible for today 16

March 16: Psalm 40:13-17

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 40:16
16 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified .

The Lord's awesome power cannot fully be understood by any of us. We will find out more about it when we do meet Him in heaven, but until that time, we have to try to understand just how much He loves us by reading great things in the Bible. King David was running for His life. He knew many people, in fact a whole army, were after him and by himself, he would never be able to stand up to the onslaught. This psalm echoes Jesus' words when He taught the disciples how to pray.

The first thing we should be doing is making sure we acknowledge God is God and He is above all. The Lord be magnified! By doing that first, we give our own brains a bit of a kick start to remind ourselves of His awesome power. Our faith is built up on believing the unseen. If we are able to encourage ourselves, our faith becomes stronger. The stronger our faith, the more we please God.

God's love for us was shown by Jesus' self-sacrifice on the cross. The more we realise His love for us, the more we will be encouraged. The more we read His word, the more we can realise His love. The more we pray and acknowledge His love, the more we are able to tell Him how much we do care.

Nothing can be gained by allowing your love for someone to go unnoticed. Nothing can be gained by hiding your love for anyone. But by hiding your love for Christ, you are showing Him you have a problem! God is everywhere. Why deny Him at all. How would you feel if a friend told someone else they hated you whilst they were standing in front of you? I don't think that you would think much of that friend anymore...

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you said the wrong thing at the wrong time?

Will you answer God’s call?


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