Reading your Bible for today 30

March 30: Matthew 7:12

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 7:12
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

I think this has been one of my favourite topics to talk about in church; how God wants us to live? So many people try to answer the question in books and volumes, describing long scenarios about how they think that God wants us to live. The answer is staring us all in the face, and it is exactly what Jesus has told us many times! If we have a look at Matthew 22:39-40, we find very similar words: “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

The most practical statement of God's word is right in front of us. Love people the way you would like them to love you! If you are walking down the road, wouldn't it be nice to have someone greet you and be friendly? Wouldn't it be nice to have friendly faces around all the time? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone behind you when you are in need? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to help out when you are confused? Wouldn't it be nice to have people there all the time, and not just when you are in serious trouble?

If we want others to be like that for us, then we have got to be the ones who make the first move and do those sort of things for others! If we start to show others the way we would like them to treat us, by treating them in the same way, then they are going to get the picture very quickly and will most likely start treating us in the same manner.

Imagine if we all did that! Imagine if we were all trying to do our bit for everyone else! There is no rocket science involved here – you just have to make a move by leading by example!

Points to Ponder:
Would you like to be treated like a king or queen?

How are you treating others?


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