Reading your Bible for today April 1

April 1: Romans 12:17-21

Key Verse: Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

It is difficult to try and find common grounds at times when people are fighting; but it is not always the common ground we should seek but rather the goodness in us all we should be seeking. What is good is good and should remain good for all people. It is by definition good!

God has tried to show us the good things in our lives by allowing Jesus to display goodness and mercy to us all. He continues to try and encourage us to seek out the good in everything and everyone. We do not always listen but He continues to show us none-the-less. It is that side of our lives that I am impressed with by what Christ has done for us already. He continued to show goodness and mercy in spite of all that was happening to Him. In spite of all the drama and evil, He continued to show us love and respect throughout everything.

I continue to try and show Christ love and respect through the way I live and the way I live amongst others. Showing people love just as Christ has asked us to do has got to build up an attitude which will encourage others to find God and His ways. By repaying people in like manner for the wrong things they do in our lives does nothing more than display the same hatred and bad things they display to us.

But displaying them love in amongst the bad things they are living through allows us to go beyond the evil and move toward showing people how we can love each other just as Christ has asked us to do. It is those first steps toward living the life He requests from us that will allow more people to get to know Christians ways and Christs love as well. Thank you Christ for stepping up to the mark and living a life which allows us to see how much we mean to Him.

Points to Ponder:
Do you react against bad things in your life?

Will you try to change things by showing people love and respect?


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