Reading your Bible for today March 11

March 11: Psalm 119:140

Key Verse: Psalm 119:140

Your word is very pure; Therefore Your servant loves it.



Many of us will know the words in Psalm 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” But what does that verse mean to you? Is it just the words from a song or do you use God's Word to guide you each and every day.

David's affection for God's Word lead him to write these words. Notwithstanding he would not have had a “complete Bible” in the same manner we have, but rather access to a collection of scrolls which would have had “The Law” or early books of the Bible only. Even so, he made sure he knew those laws. He made sure he was familiar with them. He made sure they were his guide.

But what he writes in verse 140 gives us understanding of what it meant to him. He loved God's Word, not just because it was the truth (verse 160: “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever,”) but because he was able to understand what God wanted him to do by keeping it close to his heart.

It's not much good just knowing it all unless we are going to apply it in our lives. The more we apply God's Word in our lives, the more we are able to understand it and His will. The more we do that, the more we realise just how much God actually loves us; the more we uncover the truth about God's grace! Our friends and parents understand how much we love them when they ask us something difficult and we reply that we will do it anyway. God wants us to be able to show Him our love for Him by us following His will in our lives – even when we think it is difficult. God's Word is refined. It is pure. It is not corrupt. It is simply true. We are the ones who misinterpret it when we make our own versions. We are the ones who corrupt it by not knowing it. We are the ones who cause the cracks to appear when there are none.

Points to Ponder:

How many of your friend’s likes and dislikes do you know but overlook?

How many of God's likes and dislikes do you know and follow?


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