Reading your Bible for today March 12

 March 12: Psalm 139:1-12

Key Verse: Psalm 139:8

If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.



When was the last time you thought you had gotten away with something. Just when you think others have forgotten about it you realise there was something that was not quite hidden and is now on show for everyone else to find out! No matter how hard we try to hide things, the truth is always there. No matter how much we try to pretend certain things are not so in our lives, the truth jumps up and bites our ankles.

God is the one and only God. He knows all things. He sees all things. He is able to control all things. Our understanding of what He is and what He can do will never be able to cover all that He is or can do. Our minds are limited in the number of things we can retain or think about at the same time. Yet God is able to be with each and every one of us all the time. He certainly does know exactly what we are doing and thinking all the time. He certainly does build a hedge of protection around us when we are vulnerable. He certainly does try to show us the right things to do all the time.

Can you imagine having a friend with you for the rest of your life, just watching out for what you are doing, warning you when you are about to do something stupid, warning you when you are about to do something wrong, encouraging you when you are about to do something good... Listen to that small voice and you will hear God right there, warning, encouraging, protecting and loving.

There is no place where God is not. No matter how much trouble we may think that we are in, He is always able to be right by our side. You can sail or fly right round the world, and the same God will always be right by your side. You do not have to seek Him out in the right places, just ask Him to guide you so you can continue walking together all the time. People cannot hide in the darkest corner to try and escape, because God is there, making the light to shine for all those that want to open their eyes.

Points to Ponder:

When do you feel most alone?

How close do you think God was?


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