Reading your Bible for today March 15

March 15: Colossians 2:4-10

KJV Key Verse: Colossians 2:8
8 Beware lest any man spoil * you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


Many times in our lives we get warnings from various people and many of those times we choose to ignore those warnings, only to find out later in the day that those warnings were dire or the consequences of ignoring them dire. Sometimes we also find out the warnings were nothing more than scaremongering by people who wanted us to be away for some reason. Caesar was a man who had a warning about today (“Beware the ides of March” - the ides of March being 15th of March) from one of his soothsayers. He was persuaded to ignore this warning but ended up paying for it with his life. Maybe a lucky guess from the soothsayer, or maybe he knew something about the plot against Caesar's life.

As we go through our life we are going to be told all sorts of things from both reputable and strange sources and we are the ones who have to make the choices as to whether we believe things or not. The older we get the more that we are able to decipher the truth from the dross – but far too many a time we are beguiled by our beliefs from things in our lives. Maybe we have come to depend on the advice from another, or to depend on something in our life which we should not.

The only way we are going to continue to get through life is to depend on someone who is steadfast, true, will never fail us, will always give good advice and who is above deceit. God is our Rock on whom we can stand steadfast and proud. It is our faith in Him which will stand us on firm ground. It is our belief in Him that will give us eternal life when we are finished here on earth.

The hard part comes with staying here on earth in amongst the people who want us to go every-which-way but with God. Those who are close to us can often persuade us even when we know it is not in God's Will. Those who frighten us often persuade us through intimidation – but we have the ultimate power behind us. Trust God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ignore road signs?

Why do you ignore God then?


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