Reading your Bible for today March 17

March 17: Galatians 3:10-12

Key Verse: Galatians 3:11

But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “the just shall live by faith.”


The more that I grow as a Christian, the more I look back on my life and am not impressed! The more I find out about what God would have me do in my life, the more I find what is wrong in my life. You would be forgiven for thinking I would be almost suicidal by now! Far from it... The more I find out about God, the more I want to learn and the more I want to grow as a Christian knowing Christ’s forgiveness.

If you were to move into a house which was old and needed work doing to it, would you simply bring out the paint pots and paint over the cracks, or would you try to find out the reason for the cracks. Many of us make the wrong choices in our lives because we fear the work which may have to be done by finding out what is wrong. But the more we think about it, the more we find out we are doing the right thing by digging deeper. Because each time we dig, we find out the real reasons behind the problems. We will never be able to move forward in life until we do find out those reasons which have been our stumbling blocks for so long.

If you were to move to a different country, would you take the laws of this country and apply them there, or would you try to follow the laws of the country to which you have moved? When we become Christians, we move to a new country and because of that, we should be trying to follow the new rules which have been laid down. The best part is there is no more punishment for the wrong we have already done! All we are doing is working for a better reward!

We do not have to look too far in the Bible before we realise the punishment for our sins is indeed death. We cannot escape that unless Christ comes to take us home before we die! But we also find our gift from Him is eternal life. Because we have accepted Him as our Saviour, we no longer have to fear death. We no longer have to fear the punishment for the law – but we should be striving to get as close to it as we can. None of us is perfect, but with Christ's help, we can change in remarkable ways.

Points to Ponder:

How many times do you break your word?

Are you glad that Christ has never broken His?



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