Reading your Bible for today March 18


March 18: Luke 23:39-47

KJV Key Verse: Luke 23:43
43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

We will never fully understand the wonderful, everlasting, awesome, perfect, steadfast love which Christ showed for us by allowing Himself to be crucified for our sins. We can only hope that when we are with Him in paradise there will be enough time to fully worship Him for all He has done for us; they say eternity I a long time!

Not only was His act sufficient to cover all of our sins, He went to the cross with love in His heart, being able to invite a thief to be with Him in heaven that very day! There He was, being the centre of hatred for so many people, but he was still able to expand His love to cover one more sinner on His way to Heaven.

As we come up to Easter, we will constantly be reminded about the things of this world instead of the real reason why Christ went to the cross. We will be surrounded by chocolate goodies and all manner of things which have absolutely nothing to do with being a Christian, about Christ giving His life, or even a hint of worship. Instead, this world we live in would rather we put Christ behind us and had a “happy holiday time!”

I challenge each one of you to do something different this year and to follow the words of this song today: God's Perfect Lamb.
Sing alleluia!
Praise to Jehovah!
Worship the God of Abraham.

Sing alleluia!
Praise to Jehovah!
Once for all is slain God’s perfect Lamb.

If we are to be serious about our relationship with Christ, then we have to get serious about what we do. Move into second gear and start to worship God now as he should be worshiped for all He has done for us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to your parents all the time, or only when you want to?

What are you going to do this week to prepare for Easter?


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