Reading your Bible for today March 2

March 2: 1 Peter 5:8-9

KJV Key Verse: 1 Peter 5:8
8 Be sober , be vigilant ; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about , seeking whom he may devour :

How many nature programs have you watched where the lion or other hunting animal goes after the biggest and largest thing that it can see? How many have you watched where they will attack a crowd or herd of other animals? The answer to both should probably be none. The Lions will normally pick out a weak animal which it knows it will be able to track down and take down. The lions slowly work their way closer and closer until they are between the weakling and the herd when they will then make their attack.

Just like that, Satan is a wily dealer who will wait for any moment that we have in our lives where we are off guard or in some way wanting. He will then spring his master plan upon us in such a way we don't recognise it as him but as some friendly intercession who is there to help us! His aim is to drive a wedge between us and God so he is able to tempt us in every respect. He aims at our weaknesses because he knows that is where we are going to be more open to temptations.

His aim is not to have a little fun with us, but to destroy our relationship with Christ. He may well know we are saved, but that is not going to stop him from trying to make sure we do not walk with Christ. Just like the lion does not have a conscience about which animal he picks on, Satan does not have any thought for who he picks on. He will pick on our friends to get at us. He will pick on our family to get at us. He will pick on us when we are down...

Satan made his move on Jesus when Jesus was alone. He waited until Jesus was alone in the desert before he tried to temp Him. Jesus' response was swift and secure – He held up God's Word – the Sword of The Spirit. The only way that we can hope to do anything against Satan is by making sure we are wearing the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:13-17) all the time. When we do, Satan will not be tempted to have a go at us!

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you been hit when you were down?

How many times do you wait until you are down before calling on God?


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