Reading your Bible for today March 21

March 21 : Luke 17:20-21 

KJV Key Verse : Luke 17:21 
21 Neither shall they say , Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold , the kingdom of God is within you.    

Devotion : 
One of the great mysteries that stops people from believing in God is that they cannot physically see Him. It is amazing how many people refuse to believe in something just because they cannot see it. It is further amazing just how many people are conned into believing false things by people all round the world because they have made up proof. There are many conmen round the world who make a living out of tricking people into believing stories and living within them. 

We go to school, college, university and other places of learning in order to learn how we may best live within the world we are in. We try to do what we can so we can survive the pitfalls which we learn about and learn to avoid. We try to learn how to make the most out of situations so we can “get ahead in life.” But, far too many times, we turn our backs on the truth just because it seems so simple. 

The truth about Jesus lives within us. The Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them where the kingdom of God was. They were the learned scholars, and they wanted to know the truth – but they were wanting something physical. They, like so many scientists, looked for physical proof of everything. What Jesus gave them, probably came as a big surprise to them... God lives within us... Each one of us has a spiritual part, just like God has a spiritual part. 

The kingdom of God cannot be searched for. Many archaeologists would have you believe they are on the track of finding something... But God knew that the Jews had rejected Him, that they had rejected the physical truth, and so He gave them the only other hope they could cling to. The kingdom of God had to be searched for in the hearts of man. We cannot physically search for it. We will not find it physically. But if we search within our spiritual bodies, we will gain the understanding which will lead to our faith being established. 

Points to Ponder : 
How many times have you found something only after you gave up looking? 

Are you trying too hard to look for the truth?


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