Reading your Bible for today March 22

March 22: Luke 17:31-37

KJV Key Verse: Luke 17:33
33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

How many times have you been told something, and set it aside because you did not believe it possible or true... and then found out later (when it was too late) it was actually the truth! I know I have found things out the hard way. I know there are things that I had thought could not happen to me. I have believed that there are things which only happen to others... And each time I have been caught out because I refused to believe in the truth when it was given to me.

We are like that, because we live in a world which is polluted by many lies. We become hardened to the sayings of others. We become hardened to the lies. So much so we start to not believe in the truth when we are given the truth. This is Satan at work! Surrounding us by things to cloud our judgement!

We can tell people about the second coming of Christ until we are blue in the face, but many people will just not come to terms with the fact that this could ever happen to them. They think if they stay in their cocoon, they will be protected or insulated from the ravages of the truth!

But when Jesus Himself reminds people of the things which have happened in the past and the things that are going to come in the future – we had better start listening! He has given us the truth in so many places. He has given us His Word (the Bible) so we can discern the truth. He has supplied us with so many things we can learn by – but still our cold hearts turn Him away because of the cloud and clutter in our lives! The only saving grace is God. The only way we have hope is through Jesus. The only way we can get to heaven is through Jesus. He is our door. All we have to do is to acknowledge He is our Saviour and ask for His forgiveness for our sins. With Him in control, we have no worries about our end times!

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you wondered what will happen to you when you get old?

What would you do if your best friend was “left behind”?


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