Reading your Bible for today March 23

March 23: Luke 18:24-30

KJV Key Verse: Luke 18:27
27 And he said , The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

How many times in your life have you taken a “leap of faith”? I am not talking about true Christian faith, just taking a big chance in your life and believing the outcome is going to be positive. Every week, millions of people take a “leap of faith” by buying a lottery ticket in the hopes their ticket number is going to be the number randomly chosen for the week. People are not always told the odds of winning the national lottery are normally around 1 in 14 million! And it's not a case of trying 14 million times before you win, because the odds are reset for each game. Yet many people believe they are sure to win something soon and continue with their quest.

Many scientists believe they will find the exact time the world was created. Well, they may do, but that will only be after it is too late! God gave us a perfect world to live in and we have messed it up something silly! We have corrupted just about everything that there is to corrupt and broken just about everything else; and yet what Jesus did remains perfect. We see doctors trying their best to come up with cures for illnesses, whilst Jesus spoke a word or two and people were healed instantly.

But no matter how bad we are, no matter how much we have corrupted things, God is waiting for us to ask Him for forgiveness. He is patiently, earnestly, faithfully waiting for us to turn from our ways. We do not have any hope of being able to change our ways without becoming new people, without asking Him for Salvation.

We are reminded that no person who has turned their back on this world in any way to follow Christ has ever had any regrets. Yes, our weak minds may give in and we long for the sinful ways, but when we get through it and are with Jesus, we will long for nothing!

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you wished someone else could control your life for you?

God is patiently waiting for you to ask!


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