Reading your Bible for today March 27

March 27: Luke 24:1-11

Key Verse: Luke 24:7

saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’


How many huge surprises have you had in your life? I'm not talking about finding a cheque in the post, or something you lost a few weeks back, but something that changes your life.

The disciples were in a state of shock from the physical death of Jesus; now they are even more shocked by the disappearance of Jesus' body from the tomb. When you see someone die, you certainly don't expect to see them a few days later. But that is exactly what happened for the disciples. They simply would not believe Jesus had come back to life. They had never seen anything like this before. They had seen Him bring others back to life, but they had never seen anyone bring themselves back to life!

That is the one thing which will forever make Jesus stand out as the one true God. The fact that He died, was buried, and arose (himself) on the third day. Exactly as He had promised! I, for one, cannot think why anyone could love me that much. A sinful person such as myself, having someone give their life for me, and then to raise Himself so they can fulfil the promises they had given to me. This is exactly what Christ has done for us.

Each one of us has something very special, something we have in common, but something private. A separate, special link with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our intercessor. He is our protector. He is our Lord. To be there, to be able to witness the event, to be amongst the Apostles when Jesus was in their midst, must have been something very special; and maybe a bit frightening. But, one thing we all have to look forward to is the day when we can all be together in heaven. A day that has been made possible by one single man giving His life for each one of us. Just like the people who saw Jesus before and after His resurrection, we can all look forward to the day! We do serve a risen, living, loving Saviour!

Points to Ponder:

How much does Jesus love you?

There is no space for doubt in our faith. We do serve a risen Saviour!


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