Reading your Bible for today March 28

March 28: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31
31 Whether therefore ye eat , or drink , or whatsoever ye do , do all to the glory of God.

There are some real stupid laws in various parts of the world. Some are plain ridiculous, but others seem to allow people to get away with murder – both figuratively and physically. Our first verse reminds us of those facts (1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.). Or, to put it more simply, stay within the law and don't be stupid!

We are living on this earth because God created us. He created the world we live in and He created the bodies that we live within. Each of us has been blessed with the gifts we have and the life we are able to live. Imagine being given a brand new car by someone. Would you take it to a race track and find out how fast you could drive it, maybe crashing it into a wall just because you pushed it too hard... or would you take good care of it and treat it with the respect a new car deserves?

We are far more willing to take care of physical possessions than we seem to be when it comes down to our physical or spiritual bodies! We let ourselves in for so many things which are not good for us. We allow friends to smoke and drink in excess around us, knowing what they are doing is actually endangering our lives too!

Seems a bit stupid when we look back on events in our past when explained in simple terms... But when we are there at the time, our outlook on life seems to be very different... What is or was the difference? The difference has got to be that we left God out of those moments in our lives, allowing Satan to have his will!

Points to Ponder:
Would you allow a child to play with sharp knives?

Would you allow your friends to break the 10 commandments?


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